Anthony Tucker-jones - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Anthony Tucker-jones
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  1. International and Development Communication (Häftad)


    Anthony Tucker-jones

    ISBN: 9780761929017 - UTGIVEN: 2003-06

    This book has the chapters from the "Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication, Second Edition" relating to the structure and growth of international and development communication. With expanded introductions by Bella Mody to both fields it is an invaluable resource for students and [...]

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    från 858.00 kr
  2. Hitler's Great Panzer Heist (Inbunden)


    Anthony Tucker-jones

    ISBN: 9780811703635 - UTGIVEN: 200806

    The prowess of the German panzers is the stuff of legend, but it is not generally known that Hitler stole thousands of British, Czech, French, Italian, Polish, and Soviet tanks and armoured fighting vehicles to feed his war machine. At its height, more than 25 percent of the German tank fleet was of[...]

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    från 193.00 kr
  3. Tiger I and Tiger II (Häftad)


    Anthony Tucker-Jones

    ISBN: 9781781590300 - UTGIVEN: 2013-07

    The German Tiger I and Tiger II (known to the Allies as the 'King Tiger' or 'Royal Tiger') were the most famous and formidable heavy tanks of the Second World War. In their day their awesome reputation inspired such apprehension among Allied soldiers that the weaknesses of these brilliant but flawed[...]

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    från 216.00 kr
  4. T-34 (Pocket)


    Anthony Tucker-jones

    ISBN: 9781781590959 - UTGIVEN: 2015-05

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    från 156.00 kr
  5. Armoured Warfare in Northwest Europe (Häftad)


    Anthony Tucker-Jones

    ISBN: 9781781591758 - UTGIVEN: 201304

    Photographic history of American, British, Canadian and German armoured vehicles in action during the final stages of the Second World War Graphic insight into the conditions of armoured warfare seventy years ago[...]

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    från 176.00 kr
  6. Armoured Warfare in Italian Campaign 1943-1945 (Häftad)


    Anthony Tucker-Jones

    ISBN: 9781781592472 - UTGIVEN: 2013-05

    The Second World War campaigns in North Africa, on the Eastern Front and in northwest Europe were dominated by armoured warfare, but the battles in Italy were not. The mountainous topography of the Italian peninsula ensured that it was foremost an infantry war, so it could be said that tanks played [...]

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    från 165.00 kr
  7. Armoured Warfare and Hitler's Allies 1941-1945 (Häftad)


    Anthony Tucker-Jones

    ISBN: 9781781592588 - UTGIVEN: 201305

    German, American and British tanks come to mind first whenever the military vehicles of the Second World War are considered - they get all the historical attention. The tanks, self-propelled guns and armoured cars built and deployed by the secondary nations in the conflict, in particular by Hitler[...]

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    från 165.00 kr
  8. The Afghan War (Pocket)


    Anthony Tucker-jones

    ISBN: 9781783030200 - UTGIVEN: 2015-01

    Drugs, war and terrorism were the unholy trinity that brought the US-led air campaign crashing down on the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in October 2001 in Operation Enduring Freedom, and this photographic history is a graphic introduction to it. The immediate aim was to eject the Taliban from power[...]

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    från 195.00 kr
  9. The Vietnam War (Pocket)


    Anthony Tucker-jones

    ISBN: 9781783463626 - UTGIVEN: 2015-01

    Photographic history of the Vietnam War. Features rare photographs selected from US military archives showing American and Vietnamese forces in action.[...]

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    från 194.00 kr
  10. Falaise (Inbunden)


    Anthony Tucker-jones

    ISBN: 9781844157600 - UTGIVEN: 200806

    The destruction of the trapped German forces in the Falaise pocket in August 1944 is one of the most famous episodes of the Normandy campaign. But myths have grown up around accounts of the battle, and its impact on the course of the war is sometimes misunderstood. In this meticulously researched an[...]

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    från 214.00 kr
  11. Complete Set Hebreiska (CD-rom)


    Anthony Tucker-Jones

    ISBN: 9781847404176 - UTGIVEN: 201004

    Ej bibliotekslicens. Complete Set

    EuroTalks Hela Serien/Complete Set innehåller fem språkkurser som hjälper dig att lära dig ett nytt språk, från nybörjare till en mycket hög kunskapsnivå. Genom att kunna lyssna och tala med en lärare, gör denna serie inlärningen både rolig o[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 647.00 kr
  12. Armoured Warfare on the Eastern Front (Pocket)


    Anthony Tucker-jones

    ISBN: 9781848842809 - UTGIVEN: 2011-07

    On the Eastern Front during the Second World War massive Soviet and German tank armies clashed in a series of battles that were unmatched in their scale and ferocity. Several of them have attained almost legendary status. But epic encounters such as these were only part of a broader story, as Anthon[...]

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    från 184.00 kr
  13. Armoured Warfare in the Battle for Normandy (Häftad)


    Anthony Tucker-Jones

    ISBN: 9781848845176 - UTGIVEN: 201204

    The remarkable photographs collected together for this book show in graphic detail the role armour played in the Allied struggle to exploit the D-Day landings and liberate occupied France - and the skill and tenacity of the German panzer units that confronted them. The struggle gave rise to a sequen[...]

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    från 297.00 kr
  14. Armoured Warfare in the North African Campaign (Häftad)


    Anthony Tucker-Jones

    ISBN: 9781848845671 - UTGIVEN: 2011-11

    The North African campaign, the struggle of the Italians and Germans against the Allies in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia between 1940 and 1943, was a war of movement and manoeuvre, of dramatic changes of fortune, and it was a war in which mechanized forces excelled. Compared with the heavily populated la[...]

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    från 165.00 kr
  15. The Soviet-Afghan War (Pocket)


    Anthony Tucker-jones

    ISBN: 9781848845787 - UTGIVEN: 201301

    This photographic history of the Soviet-Afghan War of 1979 to 1989 gives a fascinating insight into a grim conflict that prefigured the American-led campaign in that country. In an unequal struggle the mujahideen resisted for ten years, then triumphed over Moscow. For the Soviet Union the futile int[...]

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    från 165.00 kr
  16. Kalashnikov in Combat (Häftad)


    Anthony Tucker-Jones

    ISBN: 9781848845794 - UTGIVEN: 201206

    The Kalashnikov assault rifle, generically known as the AK-47, is the most famous small arm ever made. This weapon has transcended its Soviet designer and country of origin to become the most prolifically produced and iconic weapon in the world - and it has become a brand that has been used to sell [...]

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    från 186.00 kr
  17. Armoured Warfare in the Arab-Israeli Conflicts (Pocket)


    Anthony Tucker-jones

    ISBN: 9781848848054 - UTGIVEN: 2013-09

    The latest volume in Anthony Tucker-Jones's series of books on armoured warfare in the Images of War series is a graphic account of the development of armoured forces in the Arab and Israeli armies from 1948 to the present day. In a sequence of over 200 archive photographs he tells the story of the [...]

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    från 165.00 kr
  18. Stalinin kosto (Inbunden)


    Anthony Tucker-Jones

    ISBN: 9789524923088 - UTGIVEN: 2009

    Kesällä 1944 puna-armeija murskasi Saksan Wehrmachtin Keskustan armeijaryhmän yhdessä sotahistorian mittavimmista hyökkäyksistä. Lähes päivälleen kolme vuotta Neuvostoliiton natsi-invaasion jälkeen käynnistetty operaatio Bagration oli Stalinin kosto Hitlerille, jonka operaatio Barbarossa[...]

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    från 0.00 kr